★ ECLIPSE Almanac page 3 ★
Nature-based Divination is an ancient technique for gaining insight into a question or situation by reading signs, patterns, events, or omens observed in nature, or by performing a standardized Ritual. Though practiced throughout human history and cultures, a lot of this knowledge of reading nature’s signs has been lost as it has been criticized by western culture and modern science. In light of the catastrophic events of 2020 and 2021, some of which were clearly communicated by nature's signs, the scientific community is re-examining this stance. What was once labeled a superstition might well be a tool for monitoring climate change. Below are some of the clear omens that were well documented.
1. Ravens affected by 5G Radiation (Ornithomancy)
With 5G rolling out to speed up Telecommunications, new antennas are being deployed at high densities around urban centers worldwide. The increased 5G radiation seems to have interfered with bird patterns in the same areas causing mass bird deaths and strange behaviour. There have been some documented cases of crows picking up smoking and building nests from human-made objects around these 5G antennas. Telecommunications companies have been testing autonomous drones squirting oil as a countermeasure.
2. 3D Scan Earth Divination (Geomancy)
With a large database of 3D scans of soil patches and rock formations readily available online, a community of Geomancers has been able to decode an ample amount of omens and information by analyzing 3D models. They claim they were able to foresee the eruption of Taal Volcano in Batangas, Philippines on January 12, 2020 as well as the Aegean Sea earthquake and tsunami which struck on Friday, 30 October 2020. The scientific community is examining these findings more thoroughly.
3. Derailed Ant Behaviours (Myrmomancy)
Over the past year, a series of complex ant behaviours have been well documented online, such as ants infesting Virtual Reality headsets, or performing a suicidal "ant mill" around electrical appliances. In other cases, ants have been observed constructing what seem to be purposeful miniature structures. These behaviours were documented just days before Hurricane Iota, attaining Category 5 strength during the highly active 2020 Atlantic hurricane season.
4. Electrical Scooters catching Fire (Scooteromancy)
Well documented cases of smartphones and electrical scooters suddenly catching fire have been closely correlated to the 2020 California Wildfires and in some cases are even being investigated as the possible causes of them.
5. Hyena and Wild Dog Balance (Zoomancy)
On a more local level, Hyenas and Wild dogs have been two interconnected species. Hyenas are important kleptoparasites that follow packs of Wild Dogs to appropriate their kills. They typically inspect areas where Wild Dogs have rested and eat any food remains they find. Although possibly circumstantial, a mysterious direct correlation between the populations and balance of the two species and the Solar Eclipse Calendar has been observed.