★ ECLIPSE Almanac page 32 ★
“If I keep being a moving target, I can’t get hit. I never wanted to be the same again in any way.”
— Tom Waits
Maybe because of the nicotine…
Maybe because of a chronic illness…
Maybe because of the theatrical aspirations of his wife Kathleen
Maybe all of the above, maybe none of the below…
I ask myself does it matter and for whom?
Tom Waits actively re-organized his own organ.
The vocal cords of becoming.
The becoming of its own being.
In the winter my father used to play his vinyls near to the fireplace.
He used to ask me:
“What makes you warm, his voice or the fireplace?”
My mother asked me - “can you wear a bra?”
I replied “why?”
She said: “The only clothes that came for free this year from your aunt
were bras and skirts. Mini skirts are too cold for the winter but the bras
can at least cover your chest, they can make you warmer while
harvesting olives. Gender does not matter when you are working in the
field, just be careful, the ground can be slippery...”
Somehow Tom Waits and bras were always connected to me.
Free-dom-i-nation: the act of re-organizing your own math not path,
to grammarize the numbers and calculate with sentences. My teachers
said it was a form of dyslexia. My mother thought I was connected to
higher lows.
I learned that saying what we are is denying who we are.
Last year I saw the movie ‘Trolls World Tour’, in which King Quincy
said to Poppy: “If we deny the truth of who we are, we are denying our
I think of this tonight, where I try to find:
What brings us here, reading together these lines?
Is the affinity to reorganize our bodies?
Recover our bodies! Raise our bodies! Recruit our bodies! Read our
bodies! Reset our bodies! Reveal our bodies! Rename our bodies!
Recognize our bodies!