★ ECLIPSE Almanac page 7 ★
What if these patterns are not just decorative ornaments? What if they are trying to tell me something through symbols we all half-recognise, squinting to try to reveal their significance more sharply? What if this is a fingerprint, a wifi point, or a network bar? What if this is a radio frequency? What if this arrow points me to a secret bunker beneath this house? What if this vase is full of flowers grown (or dying) from nuclear waste? Simple forms speak to us across centuries – their original meanings obscured or even entirely lost. And yet something familiar resonates today when we look at them and we relate them to our own index of abstract mark-making trying to make the invisible world of the aether visible. New scratches to be made, new meanings to be allowed to float to the surface.
Photos: Research images by Navine G. Khan-Dossos from Pyrgi, Chios, 2020.