★ ECLIPSE Almanac page 11 ★
TECHNOSHAMANIC SYSTEMS presents microcosmic non-colonialist plans towards a techno-spiritual imaginary of alternative visions of survival on earth and inhabitation of the cosmos. It encourages the unification of art, spirituality, science and technology through hypnotic visions of our potential communal futures alongside those of possible extraterrestrial entities or civilisations.
Countering invasive agendas of governments and the private space industry, TECHNOSHAMANIC SYSTEMS proposes a political metamorphosis and transmutation of human consciousness towards a new Earthly and interplanetary paradigm. It consists of multiple components under the categories, Project Diagrams, Earth Eco-Systems and Architectures, Reinvented Technologies, Interplanetary Social Structures, Designs for Spacecraft, Apparel, Interplanetary Space Habitations, Interplanetary Meditation and Biospheres Islands, Crystal Architectures, Vultures, Rituals, Stars and Visions.