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Justice Square

"Everything is suspended. Everything is on the verge of change. Giving up can be elevating as an alternative to conventional understandings of success. Gravity is quickly turned into weightlessness. A beautiful scene appears, of a corporal ascent, a figure that is more than one. Empathy is the ultimate perceptive tool as bodies and sounds merge. The assemblage of images – aural, tactile and visual – becomes a vehicle for the transcendence of humanness. Becoming extra, more than and with a square, a thing, an earthly – or not – critter."
– Panos Giannikopoulos

Julian Weber presents a three-hour performance influenced by the genre of sci-fi and his research for his work EXTRA (2019). With the sounds by Kinga Ötvös, the artist sinks into the Justice Square and through his movement he engages the environment by exploring its surprising articulation. His body journeys in an unusual time and turns into different matter, becoming more than human. Weber introduces elements that stimulate different senses, aspiring to question the norm and introduce new constructions.

Concept/Dance/Set: Julian Weber
Music/Performance: Kinga Ötvös
Read the full text by Panos Giannikopoulos here.